Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Role and Value of a Church Minister of Education Research Paper

The Role and Value of a Church Minister of Education - Research Paper Example This role however is enhanced through teaching people on how to minister, disciple as well as carry out crucial roles associated with the church. â€Å"General Board of Higher Education† (2012) uses the biblical explanation in Ephesians 4: 11-13 in expounding their understanding of the Ministers of Education. As introduced above, the book of Ephesians associates Christian education with helping people become believers, as well as help all believers use their spiritual gifts. Thus, the term Minister of Education ought to expound on the idea that the individuals in the post have specific responsibility in their respective churches (Dunbar, 2012). This assertion should signify that it is through the Minister of Education that people get informed about Christianity. From the teaching, one should become a Christian, learn how to grow as a Christian, how to convert others into Christians as well as how to expand that process. Who is the Minister of Education? According to Malphurs (2013), the Minister of Education can be regarded as a person who is called by God, undergone training as a Christian educator, summoned by a local church to foster educational aspects of the church’s programs, the church as well as regarded as one of the senior members of the church staff. The title Minister of Education is a bit general. Although many Christian institutions consider the staff members of their churches as Ministers of Education, it is evident that there are many other terms that are used to refer to the same post. This is as a result of the existence of many diverse churches in the world. For instance, it is evident that an individual can hold many titles at the same time depending on where he or she is educating. An Associate Pastor of Education in one church can also be regarded as the Minister of Education in a different church (â€Å"General Board of Higher Education,† 2012). In most occasions, the Minister of Education

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