Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Analyzing Geoff Moore's Chasm Model Research Paper

Analyzing Geoff Moore's Chasm Model - Research Paper Example This group needs to be first taken into consideration for they would help in endorsing the new technology being introduced. The second group relates to such people who are known as the early adopters. These people tend to identify the benefits related to a technological innovation and thereby tend to increasingly link such benefits to the operations conducted in their firm or organization. Further these people tend to work more based on the level of their intuition and thereby does not tend to depend on any referred source of study or knowledge. The third adopter segment identified in this model is referred to as early majority. Like early adopters these people also work on their level of intuition in regards to decision making or purchase actions. However unlike early adopters these people work in a pragmatic fashion such that they measure or evaluate their actions against referred or authentic sources of information. Hence they not only successful into entering new territories but also can gain high amount of revenue and profits. Another adopter group in the fourth category relates to late majority people. These people however tend to avoid being drawn to new technologies or innovations. Rather they tend to depend on standardized and well recognized sources to gain resources for their business. Thus gaining over this source helps the research and development team to counter the loss of profits and rather meet the expenses incurred. The final group of adopters in the fifth category relate to a population known as laggards that do not go for new technology products. Rather they tend to depend on other products for their survival. Moore’s Chasm thus refers to the difference between the two segments of technological diffusion relating to the early adopters and the groups known as the early majority. The first group is understood as potential visionaries that tend to bring about new thoughts and ideologies while the latter are held to depend on pragmatic id eas (Dams 88; Moore 12-13). The Chasm Model in Regards to Consumer Behavior The Chasm theory of Moore’s when dealt in regards to consumer behavior identifies early adopters as those people that rush over to the market place in sight of new technology or products being introduced. In other words the early adopter group of consumers tends to take to higher purchase risks in that they go for untested products that have been introduced in the market. However it must also be understood in here that the early adopters also endeavor to look for specific value in regards to the products they ought to procure from the market. Thus a separate culture needs to be developed where the consumers would be introduced to the values and benefits they ought to obtain from the product or service. Unlike the early adopters the early majority consists of such population groups that would not go for rightly procuring a product or service unless and until they have rightly evaluated such to satisfy their needs and aspirations. Henceforth these people need not be introduced to values and benefits of the products. Rather they endeavor to conduct a market research on the people who have been using such product or service. The process through which the behavior pattern of the early adopters can be infused to look for proper benefits and positive experiences before procuring such can be held as a means to earn a breakthrough in

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